Caídas del pasado y dolor actual

Past falls and current pain

Falls are common accidents that we have all experienced at some point in our lives.

Although they seem to be forgotten over time, these falls can have a lasting impact on our health, especially on the cervical (neck) and back.

In this article, we'll explore how old falls can lead to chronic problems in these vital areas of our bodies.

When we fall , our bodies absorb the shock unevenly, which can lead to injuries to the spine and surrounding muscles.

Although at the time of the fall we do not experience significant pain, the consequences can manifest themselves years later.

Old falls can contribute to the development of neck problems, such as whiplash syndrome, which is characterized by pain, stiffness, and limited movement in the neck. In addition, the vertebrae can become misaligned, affecting posture and causing long-term discomfort.

Likewise, old falls can trigger back disorders, such as a herniated disc. The sudden impact and the force exerted during the fall can weaken the intervertebral discs, causing their displacement and compression of the spinal nerves.

It is essential to recognize that old falls can have long-term consequences on the neck and back.

If you have experienced falls in the past and experience discomfort in these areas, it is important to seek specialized medical attention.

A health professional will be able to assess your situation, provide an accurate diagnosis, and recommend appropriate treatments, such as physiotherapy, strengthening exercises, and other natural methods that help relieve pain.

Remember that prevention is key. Maintain proper posture, practice muscle-strengthening exercises, and do regular stretching to maintain the health of your neck and back.

Your long-term well-being will thank you!

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